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Anyone got some cheese for my whine?

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2003 5:06 pm
by Deathsdisciple
Right, short story time :)

Had my 24 Cleric (Ressurection) in BG1 today and got killed my a hibbie Ranger (Naturan)
Came back and he tried again but I made it to CK and asked for help getting him. Infil agreed to come and I would act as bait. This worked and the Infil killed the Ranger when he popped and started shooting me.

2 Minutes later a lvl 50 Alb (Andariel) GoL, decided to PM me and said that Naturan thought it unfair that I brought an infil along to help, said I should have done it solo.
Now maybe im a gimped Cleric but I somehow fail to see me winning against a Ranger.
If it is possible, can someone give hints? (I dont have instas)

Can you make it Edam cheese btw

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2003 7:45 pm
by Coren
Bahhh you don't get MADE Edam, you have to spam your way to it.

Only 1242 posts to go


Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2003 8:26 pm
by Deathsdisciple
LOL didnt even notice that you got ranks for posts with names of cheeses, shows how much i pay attention.

1241 to go then

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2003 9:48 pm
by Vorcyn
Ignore the twats. Its a classic whine destined to end up on excal rvr forums on bw :P
The fact that the alb and hib were in close communications is even more dodgy imo, but gotta live with it.

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2003 11:32 pm
by Fingoniel
probably whined over IRC but there could be more dodgy things going on...

still.. whining a cleric didn't let you pwn them for RP constantly is a bit sad.

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2003 11:22 am
by Aule Valar
prehaps he'sa gimpy cleric and has less than 24 smite

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2003 5:25 pm
by Tremayne
It's all your own fault... you bought the wrong medal.

You thought you were going to the battlegrounds, where the three realms fight a constant WAR against each other. However, you actually got a medallion to the DUELgrounds, where you are expected to fight one-vs-one at all times (especially if you are a support class and the other guy is a solo-friendly stealther in search of cheap RPs, or a zerker). Silly boy :(

It's also possible to get a medallion to the Suicidegrounds, which look just like battlegrounds but the aim is to keep charging up the hill at MTK until a Master of Runes swats you like an annoying bug... I hear that one's very popular :)