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about the KotL site

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 11:40 am
by Syri
don't know if anyone visits the kotl site at all, but a couple of days ago, the site was defaced as a result of a bug in an old version of phpbb and php. i'm trying to build up a backup to restore it, but i'm missing a few files from my backup. if anyone has any files from the kotl website in their web cache and can extract them, if you could mail them to syri [at] i would greatly appreciate it.
I'm working with my host to have the site back up as soon as possible, but the worm's a nasty one...

might be worth checking that this site's host is protected against it also, as it not only defaces every php and html page, it also seems to change ownership of them, so you need root access to restore the files

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 12:08 pm
by Lorthania
Yes, read about this on a tech forum this morning and pm'ed Fing about it - apparently, every phpBB prior to v2.0.11 is under threat. Let's hope we aren't besieged before they get a chance to fix it :).

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 5:02 pm
by Fingoniel
whee upgraded