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Coming in 1.59b

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2003 10:07 am
by Lalia

We've taken a long look at Albion's spellcasting classes with an eye
towards making them more functional, as well as more fun to play. These
changes are now up for testing, please let us know what you think.

Cleric Changes

- The Smite spec Holy Anger line has had its range increased to 1500 and
casting time reduced to 3 seconds.

- The Smite baseline stun (Stunning Flash line) has had its range
increased to 1350.

Theurgist Changes

- Theurgist elementals can no longer be rooted or mezzed.

- Theurgist Confusing Gust line has had its radius raised to 350.

- Increased range of Theurgist summons to 2000.

Wizard Changes

- Reduced casting time of Burst of Steam line to 2.5 seconds, which
matches the Spiritmaster and Enchanter PBAE cast times.

Friar Changes

- Increased duration of all Friar self buffs to 15 minutes.

Sorcerer/Cabalist Changes

- Increased value on L48 self shield Nullify Offense to 250.

Sorcerer Changes

- Sorcerers can now charm any monster type. This should strengthen their
Mind spec considerably, and facilitate better charming in dungeons (where
many monsters are undead).

- Added Minion Control to the Sorcerer RA list.

- Increased radius of Fog, Blanket and Cloud of Senility to 350.

- Added a power regen buff to Mind spec list so that all three realms
have a version of this spell:

5 Comprehension of Power
15 Perception of Power
26 Perspicuity of Power
36 Cognition of Power
46 Lucidity of Power

- Instead of adding more crowd control to any realm, Sorcerers are
getting two new ways of dealing with crowd control.

1) Added a self mez-duration reduction buff to Mind Spec.

16 Shield Mind
27 Harden Mind
35 Steel Mind
45 Invulnerable Mind

2) Added group mez-duration reduction chant to Mind Spec.

29 Solidarity of Mind
39 Unity of Mind
49 Brotherhood of the Mind

General Magic Changes

- Increased duration of all self-only buffs that had 10 minute timers to
15 minutes.

- Fixed a delve bug that affected the "cast time" print. Spells with
fractional cast times were truncating the fractional component, so spells
with 2.5 second cast times (for example) were listed as 2 seconds. Unless
noted elsewhere in the patch notes, no cast times actually changed, they
just print correctly now. Please note that spells on the Camelot Herald have
always included the fractions of a second; it is only the delve print
function that is being updated.

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2003 8:51 pm
by Dan -EW
Nice stuff looks like Sorcs are gonna be playable now.

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2003 10:46 am
by Second
and my pets cant be rooted/mezzed:P

pheer meeee=)