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Which lesser Harry Potter character are you?

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 8:09 pm
by Xintyl

I'm Firenze!

You're so different from most humans that you're an entirely different species. Still, your beliefs are unusual even for beings of your sort - although concerned with the future and the stars, you're willing to defy standard practices for the common good.

(Your moment of glory came in Sorcerer's Stone, when you saved Harry Potter from Voldemort, then told him everything he needed to know to save the Stone.)

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 11:31 pm
by Javai

Congrats! You're Gryffindor alumnus Bill Weasley!

You know you're cool when even the kid who defeated Voldemort thinks so. You have a disposition that attracts people to you as friends and allies. And it's not just your outward appearance - under all your coolness, you're smart enough to be Head Boy/Girl, too.

(Your moment of glory - so far, at least - came in Goblet of Fire when Harry Potter declared your undeniable ponytail-wearing cool factor.)

Think I'd answer some question different depending on my mood though :)

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 11:42 pm
by Twigbob
Congrats! You're Gryffindor fourth-year Dean Thomas!

At first glance, there might not be too much to set you apart from the rest. On closer examination, however, it's easy to see that you're laidback, artistic, and as loyal as any Hufflepuff. Best of all, your biggest argument in three years has been about why the people in your posters don't move .

(Your moment of glory - so far, at least - comes any time Gryffindor House needs some notable decorations.)

i have no idea who any of these people are! but hooray! nonetheless!

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 7:18 am
by lenda
<Refuses to be a part of Parry Hotter saga>

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 7:33 am
by Rayzor
Congrats! You're Gryffindor alumnus Bill Weasley!

You know you're cool when even the kid who defeated Voldemort thinks so. You have a disposition that attracts people to you as friends and allies. And it's not just your outward appearance - under all your coolness, you're smart enough to be Head Boy/Girl, too.

(Your moment of glory - so far, at least - came in Goblet of Fire when Harry Potter declared your undeniable ponytail-wearing cool factor.)
is that good? never read or watched any harry potter!

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 8:32 am
by Lorthania
Congrats! You're Gryffindor alumnus Bill Weasley!

You know you're cool when even the kid who defeated Voldemort thinks so. You have a disposition that attracts people to you as friends and allies. And it's not just your outward appearance - under all your coolness, you're smart enough to be Head Boy/Girl, too.

(Your moment of glory - so far, at least - came in Goblet of Fire when Harry Potter declared your undeniable ponytail-wearing cool factor.)

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 12:15 pm
by Aadia

Congrats! You're Gryffindor fourth-year Parvati Patil!

Okay, let's face it. You like being popular, and you like being attractive. You certainly have your fans, and a scolding from Professor McGonagall isn't enough to keep you from trying to look your best. But even while you're finding ball dates for your friends, there's more to you than meets the eye - now, if only people would notice!

(Your moment of glory - so far, at least - came in Goblet of Fire, when you accompany Harry Potter to the Yule Ball and set up your twin sister, Padma, with Ron Weasley.)

Though there are questions i could have put 2-3 different answers really...

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 12:57 pm
by Fingoniel
not a lot of different options it seems.

Firenze here anyway :)

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 4:52 pm
by Fugue
Congrats! You're Hufflepuff fourth-year Ernie Macmillan!

Maybe you don't mean to gossip. Maybe you do. Either way, it's been known to happen with you around. You're so fiercely loyal to your friends that you'll talk about anyone who stands against them, regardless of who they are. But you seem to realize this - that's why you always make a point of apologizing when you're wrong.

(Your moment of glory came in Chamber of Secrets when you accused Harry Potter of being Slytherin's heir, then relented when Hermione Granger was attacked.)

Hurray! for Hufflepuff! :)

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 6:07 pm
by loren soth
i got firenze here myself aswell so the options muast be low

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 9:48 pm
by Sara
Congrats! You're former Quidditch star Ludo Bagman!

You're a jock, plain and simple. You may have taken a few too many bludgers to the head, but you've still risen through the ranks to head the Department of Magical Games and Sports. But your apparent slowness is deceiving - you can be downright clever when you need to be.

(Your moment of glory - if you can call it that - comes in Goblet of Fire, when you try to steal the Weasley twins' trick wand design so you can make enough cash to pay back your debts.)

Think im the only ludo bagman :D

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 1:37 pm
by Gwidoc
Congrats! You're Gryffindor alumnus Bill Weasley!

You know you're cool when even the kid who defeated Voldemort thinks so. You have a disposition that attracts people to you as friends and allies. And it's not just your outward appearance - under all your coolness, you're smart enough to be Head Boy/Girl, too.

(Your moment of glory - so far, at least - came in Goblet of Fire when Harry Potter declared your undeniable ponytail-wearing cool factor.)

hmm :D

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 11:54 am
by Eurynome
Dean Thomas


I'm that Granger girl all over, unfortunately. 26 going on 56.

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 12:52 pm
by Aadia
So who or what is Dean Thomas?

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 3:45 pm
by Eurynome
Dean Thomas is a Griffindor house mate of Harry Potter, also shares the same dorm as our beloved hero.

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 4:45 pm
by Minimarv
Does this help if you know someone who was in the Harry Potter films? ( know her real name, not the char name)
BTW, i turned out to be an Ernie too