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What's up?

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 9:21 am
by Sturgis
Hello all, just a quick post to see what you're all up to. I hope you're all well etc.

I stopped playing DAOC for good about 6 months ago. I log in to FH Forums from time to time but it seems that GOA have no intention of addressing the population issues on the UK servers and the game there seems stagnant from what I can see.

Do you all still play? If not, what are you doing with your time now?

I joined a Pro Gym and started weight training - Rah! ;)

Where is the Stronghold Forum BTW?

Take care,


Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 9:57 am
by Icatel
bongiourno John

I think everyone else has now quit DAOC too. We mostly seem to be spread between LOTR, WoW, waiting for WAR, and doing nothing...

Sad to hear about the exercise... Oh, and a fair few people seem to have had/be having children.


Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 10:21 am
by Fingoniel
ello :)

there's still some stronghold folks playing daoc but not a lot (most seem to have moved on to lotro)

myself I'm beta testing WAR (rah)

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 12:06 pm
by Evzy
Playing Lotro if/when I get chance, otherwise doing major garden renovation and fitting a new kitchen... kinda playing RL mostly atm :(

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 2:24 pm
by Minimarv
Not playing DAOC or anything atm, busy saving up for our round the world trip ( no going out for us for a bit :( )
Just lurking on the forums still and working too hard :(

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 2:42 pm
by Dervish
I'm playing DAoC still and looking forward to the coming changes that make getting any item in the game dead easy. :)

They are planning something for UK servers but won't say what. Most of the dweebs on FH go on at length about how stale the UK servers are and how wonderful it is on german/us servers but lots keep reappearing on UK servers for months at a time because they realised that trying to be big and clever and bleating with the rest of the FH dross isn't actually a smart thing after all. For those of us that find DAoC hasn't run it's course and can actually demonstrate control of our own minds and not bleat like all the other FH dross we still enjoy DAoC immensely.

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 9:46 pm
by Sturgis
Fingoniel wrote:ello :)

there's still some stronghold folks playing daoc but not a lot (most seem to have moved on to lotro)

myself I'm beta testing WAR (rah)
How is your beta testing going Fraser?

Are you allowed to share your thoughts or is it an NDA issue?

I'm particularly interested to learn how the levelling system and RVR compares to DAOC.

I doubt I'll ever have the time again to play an MMORPG, but I'd like to keep abreast of developments nonetheless.

Please pass on my love and best wishes to your family ;)

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 9:47 pm
by Sturgis
Dervish wrote:I'm playing DAoC still and looking forward to the coming changes that make getting any item in the game dead easy. :)

They are planning something for UK servers but won't say what. Most of the dweebs on FH go on at length about how stale the UK servers are and how wonderful it is on german/us servers but lots keep reappearing on UK servers for months at a time because they realised that trying to be big and clever and bleating with the rest of the FH dross isn't actually a smart thing after all. For those of us that find DAoC hasn't run it's course and can actually demonstrate control of our own minds and not bleat like all the other FH dross we still enjoy DAoC immensely.
How is the population now? Doesn't a low population make RVR etc. very difficult/boring?

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 10:35 pm
by Evzy
Frasier wont say owt due to NDA... but I reckon if I come and pick up a bunch of you, we all drive up to his house, and threaten to smear it with butter....then he might at least tell us what NDA stands for...really stands for...not the Non Disclosure Agreement bollox - cos thats a lie otherwise its disclosing what its stands for...once we know what NDA is..WE TAKE OVER THE WORLD !!! MUHAHAHAHA !! TEH FOOLS !!!! MINE ALL MINE !!!

So anyways.... DAOC = bit dead from what I know.

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 8:17 am
by Dervish
Sturgis wrote:
Dervish wrote:I'm playing DAoC still and looking forward to the coming changes that make getting any item in the game dead easy. :)

They are planning something for UK servers but won't say what. Most of the dweebs on FH go on at length about how stale the UK servers are and how wonderful it is on german/us servers but lots keep reappearing on UK servers for months at a time because they realised that trying to be big and clever and bleating with the rest of the FH dross isn't actually a smart thing after all. For those of us that find DAoC hasn't run it's course and can actually demonstrate control of our own minds and not bleat like all the other FH dross we still enjoy DAoC immensely.
How is the population now? Doesn't a low population make RVR etc. very difficult/boring?
RvR has themes - it goes through patches of small group ramdomness to like it is currently which is all out zergfest iRvR with Hibs in Berks and Mids in Eras or vice versa. The stealthwars, which is where I play, is in a sense largely unchanged except the rule of the day now is "red is dead". Apparently at some point in the games history the 8v8 crowd would leave the soloers/duoers alone etc although personally I was rolled every single time. Now though you add on everything, hit everything, kill everything and die lots in the process. It's actually a blessed relief in many ways because you don't need to mentally maintain all that bulls**t whitelist/blacklist/"kill on sight" list rubbish about who is an honourable player or not so can I add on them stuff. It can get tiresome (like last night in fact) when it is so al out zergy that the stealthwars are near impossible but hey it goes in cycles.

The strange thing is the worst zergers by FAR are the hibs - they never, EVER solo/duo they only go out in opted high RR groups or 2 groups and last night even 3 FGH zergs.

At least PvE is much, much easier now and with coming changes even easier to get all ToA stuff including being able to buy all the rare ML drops with new gems that will drop of ToA mobs and using bounty points to buy XP, realm points, scroll, arti credit etc. Hell with all the new quests they keep adding I was able to solo level my Infiltrator from 29 to 50 in 10 days playing 4 hours a night and then not every night.

Basically Mythic are finally stopping with new expansions which nobody wanted and actually addressing all the games shortcomings which is what people wanted all along. It's far, far, far, far too late for me and those of us left to be able to enjoy it with all the people who left because they couldn't (quite rightly) put up with the crapness of it all for so long. Hopefully they will cluster UK servers with someone (anyone) so we can die a slow but fun death until Warhammer.

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 12:33 pm
by saffron
Dervish wrote:
Sturgis wrote:
Dervish wrote:I'm playing DAoC still and looking forward to the coming changes that make getting any item in the game dead easy. :)

They are planning something for UK servers but won't say what. Most of the dweebs on FH go on at length about how stale the UK servers are and how wonderful it is on german/us servers but lots keep reappearing on UK servers for months at a time because they realised that trying to be big and clever and bleating with the rest of the FH dross isn't actually a smart thing after all. For those of us that find DAoC hasn't run it's course and can actually demonstrate control of our own minds and not bleat like all the other FH dross we still enjoy DAoC immensely.
How is the population now? Doesn't a low population make RVR
etc. very difficult/boring?

RvR has themes - it goes through patches of small group ramdomness to like it is currently which is all out zergfest iRvR with Hibs in Berks and Mids in Eras or vice versa. The stealthwars, which is where I play, is in a sense largely unchanged except the rule of the day now is "red is dead". Apparently at some point in the games history the 8v8 crowd would leave the soloers/duoers alone etc although personally I was rolled every single time. Now though you add on everything, hit everything, kill everything and die lots in the process. It's actually a blessed relief in many ways because you don't need to mentally maintain all that bulls**t whitelist/blacklist/"kill on sight" list rubbish about who is an honourable player or not so can I add on them stuff. It can get tiresome (like last night in fact) when it is so al out zergy that the stealthwars are near impossible but hey it goes in cycles.

The strange thing is the worst zergers by FAR are the hibs - they never, EVER solo/duo they only go out in opted high RR groups or 2 groups and last night even 3 FGH zergs.

At least PvE is much, much easier now and with coming changes even easier to get all ToA stuff including being able to buy all the rare ML drops with new gems that will drop of ToA mobs and using bounty points to buy XP, realm points, scroll, arti credit etc. Hell with all the new quests they keep adding I was able to solo level my Infiltrator from 29 to 50 in 10 days playing 4 hours a night and then not every night.

Basically Mythic are finally stopping with new expansions which nobody wanted and actually addressing all the games shortcomings which is what people wanted all along. It's far, far, far, far too late for me and those of us left to be able to enjoy it with all the people who left because they couldn't (quite rightly) put up with the crapness of it all for so long. Hopefully they will cluster UK servers with someone (anyone) so we can die a slow but fun death until Warhammer.

On Saturday I had my first ever taste of an MOMRPG, on the US DAoC servers on the Classic version of the game. There was 2900 players on them. We are a brief look at the European game and there was 451 players at the same time, on the English Servers. I am learning how to play with my husband at the moment, but we will be joining Javai and co on LoTRs online very soon.

In my limited experience, I would say that there is more fun to be had on the US servers, at the moment. Age of Conan, a pirate game and Warhammer, when they are launched, will attract a large pool of players. Lord of the rings looks fabulous too, but I lack confidence at the moment - and I am finding my feet with Legaethiel.

I think Age of Conan looks too polished from the reviews I have read about it. Warhammer and LoTRs seem to be the best way forward - or DAoC on the US servers. Warhammer will be great, because alot of people I have chatted to on here, will be there, a niche of friends.

Saffron x