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PETITION - anti-social behaviour

Posted: Tue May 25, 2004 7:33 am
by paulardros
I petitioned the following "Proposals to tackle anti-social behaviour" on the Scottish Parliament Website, e-petitions. The website for e-petition signatures; discussions; comments and information. I would be grateful if you could sign the petition. :help:
LINK: ... TopicID=19

Posted: Tue May 25, 2004 8:21 am
by Fingoniel
no offence intended but who are you? :)

Posted: Tue May 25, 2004 3:15 pm
by paulardros
fingonial, I run an advocacy group in my area in Ayrshire, and anti-social behaviour is rife here just like a lot of communities in Scotland. :help:

Posted: Tue May 25, 2004 3:50 pm
by Fingoniel
ok :) I know this is the off topic board and all but it's kinda meant to be a discussion ground for Dark age of camelot things/off topic stuff that means something to people in our community (which is virtual rather than restricted to any particular region)

Now if you're a member of the DAoC community I can understand you posting your petition here, but otherwise you're kinda falling into the same behaviour that people posting spam advertisement links (or outwar links) are following.

Don't get me wrong your petition looks like it's for a good cause and all, I'm just puzzled as to why it's being posted here?

I guess the fact you've replied means it's not just a forum spamming bot and the forum description does say "Post whatever you want".

Posted: Tue May 25, 2004 7:38 pm
by NetNifty
seems he posts this in every forum he finds tbh from ... paulardros

edit: and 260 matches from ... haviour%22 0_o

Posted: Tue May 25, 2004 8:30 pm
by paulardros
NetNifty, what real harm is it doing? I have read some right trash on a lot of sites, at least this is an issue that effects communities, but I have learnt that the words "community spirit" should be deleted from the dictionary, as it seems that people now think only of their own interests and have an "I'm alright jack" attitude. The UK is becoming a very sad place to live :help:

Posted: Tue May 25, 2004 8:34 pm
by paulardros
Fingonial, what about your fellow Edinburgh people, some are having a terrible time. Sighthill; Broomhouse and people don't seem to care less. Iwas born in Scotland and lived in England for a while but since I have came back people seem to have been suppressed or something as the majority seem to be very oppressed. :help:

Posted: Tue May 25, 2004 8:36 pm
by NetNifty
I dont disagree with what your doing but i disagree with the way your doing it - as fingoniel said your falling into the same catagory as spammers and people that net users consider to be using anti-social behavior .

Besides i'd say less than 5% of the users of this forum are from Scotland.

Posted: Tue May 25, 2004 9:03 pm
by Fingoniel
NetNifty wrote:I dont disagree with what your doing but i disagree with the way your doing it - as fingoniel said your falling into the same catagory as spammers and people that net users consider to be using anti-social behavior .
That was what I was getting at ;) but was waiting to see if he was a daocer or someone we knew, apparently not. Didn't think to check google.

I hope the irony isn't lost on you paul.

Posted: Tue May 25, 2004 10:01 pm
by paulardros
Fingonial that irony is lost on me, can you tell me what this sight is for, I see a castle, it can't be about defending something, as you have to stick together if your fighting for something. "Gaurd" what are you guarding, freedom of speech? democracy? UIt can't have anything to do with patriotism? :swords:

Posted: Tue May 25, 2004 10:53 pm
by Fingoniel
You've been posting your link on a number of forums, effectively engaging in what is considered on the internet to be a form of "anti-social" behaviour (spamming, the equivalent of vandalism I guess ;) or more like junk mail leaflets in this case) in the cause of a petition to crack down on the real life equivalent..... seems kinda ironic ;)

However, since it's an off-topic board (and you've returned to discuss it) it's far from a problem :)

Best of luck with your petition, it's a very valid issue you're raising and I hope it gets the recognition it needs.